Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sucker Punch wasn't as hard hitting as we may have thought

I was definitely excited for Zach Snyder's new film Sucker Punch, but it doesn't seem like everyone is enjoying it for what it is. I went to the midnight showing and on a personal level I enjoyed the movie, but I also went into the movie and saw it for what it was. A big effect heavy visually stunning erection giver!

This is definitely a guy movie which most of you should be able to tell by the trailer. So I wouldn't suggest taking your girlfriend to see it unless you feel like explaining why you would rather look at the screen than her.

Many critics are bashing Sucker Punch, and I mean BASHING it, and I fully agree with their comments on it. This is definitely not a movie I say is good, but it does provide some good entertainment with is sexy women, excellent fight scenes, and stunning visuals which Snyder is noted for.

Overall Sucker Punch isn't really's more cool and fun to watch, but don't go into it thinking it's going to be amazing. Watch the movie for what it is and you won't be too disappointed.

I say if you want to see hot girls and badass action...go see it this weekend.

I'll have a full review up by the end of this weekend.

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